Annotated MUGL File

This is an interactive MUGL file which is annotated with comments documenting every element and attribute in the MUGL specification. Click on an element to expand it; hover over an attribute to see more documentation for it. You can download this entire annotated MUGL file, as a valid XML document, here: annotated-mugl.xml. Note that although this file is a valid XML document, and it conveys the structure of MUGL by example, it is not actually a valid MUGL file; don't try loading this file into Multigraph. It is intended for documentation of the MUGL specification only. A formal XSD document that defines the MUGL specification is also available.

    <!--| The <window> element specifies the following things related to the graph's
        | margin, border, and padding area.  The <window> element is optional and
        | can appear at most once in the MUGL file.
        |   width: width of the graph, in pixels
        |   height: height of the graph, in pixels
        |       The width and height attributes are
        |       usually are omitted, in which case they default to the size
        |       specified when the graph is created, either with the
        |       "data-width" and "data-height" attributes if the graph is
        |       created using HTML5 markup, or with CSS attributes on the
        |       div element that contains the graph, or with options passed
        |       to the Multigraph constructor in JavaScript code.
        |   border:  thickness, in pixels, of the border to draw around the graph.
        |       A value of 0 causes no border to be drawn.
        |   bordercolor: color to use for the border.
        |   margin: amount of margin to leave outside all four sides of the border.
        |   padding: amount of padding to leave inside all four sides of the border
    <!--| The <legend> element controls whether and how Multigraph creates a legend
        | for the graph.   The <legend> element is optional and
        | can appear at most once in the MUGL file.
        |   visible: whether the legend should be drawn or not; the default is "false"
        |       if there is only one plot in the graph, and "true" if there are more
        |       than one plot
        |   base, anchor, position, frame: specify the location of the legend in the
        |       graph
        |   color: color of the legend background
        |   opacity: opacity of the legend background; a value of 0 causes no
        |       background to be drawn behind the legend.  This opacity value only
        |       affects the legend background; it does not affect the text or icons
        |       inside the legend
        |   border: thickness, in pixels, of the border drawn around the legend; a
        |       value of 0 causes no border to be drawn
        |   bordercolor: color of border around the legend
        |   rows, columns: the legend is layed out in a grid, with an icon and text
        |       label corresponding to a single plot in each grid cell.  These attributes
        |       determine how many rows and/or columns are in the grid.
        |       If neither rows nor columns is specified, columns defaults to 1,
        |       and there will be one row for each plots
        |       in the graph.  If only one of rows/columns is specified, the other
        |       will be computed to be whatever it needs to be so that rows X columns
        |       is greater than or equal to the number of plots.  If both rows and columns
        |       are specified, the legend is layed out in a grid of that size.
        |   cornerradius: the radius, in pixels, of rounding to apply to the corners of
        |       the legend box
        |   padding: an amount of space, in pixels, to leave inside the border of the legend
          | The <icon> subelement of <legend> controls the shape and appearance of the
          | little icons that Mulitgraph draws for each plot in the legend.  This subelement
          | is optional and may appear at most once inside the <legend> element.
          |   width: the width, in pixels, of the icon
          |   height: the height, in pixels, of the icon
          |   horder: the thickness, in pixels, of the border to be drawn around each
          |       plot icon
    <!--| The <background> element controls how Multigraph draws the graph's background
        | (the area inside the border).     The <background> element is optional and can
        | appear at most once in the MUGL file.
        |   color: a solid color to fill the background with
      <!--| The <img> subelement of <background> specifies an image to draw in
          | the background.  This subelement is optional and can appear at most
          | once.  If it is present, the image is drawn after the background is
          | filled with the background color, but before anything else is drawn,
          | so the image will appear underneath everything.
          |   src: the URL of the image to be drawn.  If this is a relative
          |       URL, it is interpreted relative to the URL of the MUGL file.
          |   anchor, base, position, frame:  specify the positioning
          |       of the image
    <!--| The <plotarea> element specifies the size and appearance of the plot area.  The
        | element is optional and can appear at most once in the MUGL file.
        |  marginbottom, marginleft, margintop, marginright: these attributes give the
        |      margin amounts for the plot area, in pixels
        |  border: the thickness, in pixels, of a border to draw around the plot area; a
        |      value of 0 means that no border is drawn
        |  bordercolor: the color to use for the border
        |  color: a color to fill the background of the plot area with.  If the attribute is
        |      present, the plot area is filled with this color after any background color
        |      and/or background image from the <background> element are drawn.  The default
        |      behavior, if this attribute is not specified, is that no fill is applied
        |      to the plot area, so that whatever color and/or image was drawn for the
        |      <background> element shows through.
    <!--| The <title> element indicates a title to be displayed in the graph.  If the <title>
        | element is not present, no title is drawn.  If it is present, the text of the element
        | indicates the text of the title.
        | NOTE: at the time of this writing, the title element is not fully implemented in
        |       Multigraph 4.0.  A better way to implement a graph title is to do it outside
        |       of Multigraph: create a <div> element outside of the Multigraph <div>, and use
        |       CSS to style and position it as desired.  (You can even position it to appear
        |       as though it's inside the graph, by using relative or absolute positioning.)
        |    anchor, base, position, frame:  specify the position of the title
        |    color: color of the background rectangle to be drawn behind the title
        |    opacity: opacity of the title background
        |    border: thickness, in pixels, of the border drawn around the title; a
        |        value of 0 causes no border to be drawn
        |    bordercolor: color of border around the title
        |    padding: an amount of space, in pixels, to leave inside the border of the title
        |    cornerradius: the radius, in pixels, of rounding to apply to the corners of
        |        the title box
        |    fontsize: the size of the font to use for the title
    <!--| The <horizontalaxis> and <verticalaxis> elements specify axes for the graph.
        | Every graph has at least one horizontal axis and at least one vertical axis,
        | but the <horizontalaxis> and <verticalaxis> elements are optional in the MUGL
        | file; if either is absent, an axis of that orientation with all the default
        | values is implied.
        | id: the id of the axis.  If this attribute is missing, an id of "x" is used for
        |     the first horizontal axis, "x1" for the second, and so on.  For vertical axes,
        |     the default ids are "y", "y1", etc.
        | type: the data type of the axis
        | length: the length of the axis, as a RELLEN representing a fraction of the width
        |     (or height, for a vertical axis) of the plot area, plus or minus a pixel offset.
        | base: a POINT in the range (-1,-1) to (1,1) giving the location in the plot area
        |     of the base point for the axis's location
        | position: a POINT value giving the position offset for the location of the axis,
        |     relative to the base point
        | anchor: a single number in the range [-1,1] indicating the location of the
        |     anchor point along the axis.  -1 corresponds to the left endpoint, and 1
        |     corresponds to the right endpoint.
        | min: the minimum data value for the axis; this is typically the value associated
        |     with the left endpoint of the axis, but see "minposition" below.
        | max: the maximum data value for the axis; this is typically the value associated
        |     with the right endpoint of the axis, but see "maxposition" below.
        | minposition: the location on the axis that corresponds to the minimum data value,
        |     as a RELPOS.
        | maxposition: the location on the axis that corresponds to the maximum data value,
        |     as a RELPOS.
        | color: the color of the line to draw for the axis
        | linewidth: the pixel thickness of the line to draw for the axis
        | tickmin: the length, in pixels, of the part of the axis tick marks that extends below
        |     the axis
        | tickmax: the length, in pixels, of the part of the axis tick marks that extends above
        |     the axis
        | tickcolor: the color to use when drawing the axis tick marks
      <!--| The <labels> subelement of the axis elements indicates how and where tick marks
          | and labels should be drawn along the axis.
          | format: the format string to use for the labels; defaults to "%.1f" for number
          |     axes, and to "%Y-%M-%D %H:%i" for datetime axes
          | start: a data value that indicates how the tickmarks and labels should be aligned
          |     along the axis.  The alignment will be chosen so that a tick mark would be drawn
          |     at the location specified by the start value.  Note that this does not necessarily
          |     mean that labeling will actually start at this value; labeling will start at whatever
          |     multiple of the chosen spacing, aligned at the start value, occurs at or after the
          |     left endpoint of the axis.  In future versions of MUGL this attribute might be better
          |     renamed to "align".
          | position, anchor, angle: specifies the position of the label associated with each tick
          |     mark.  The "base" value for each label's positioning is the point along the axis
          |     corresonding to the value being labeled (i.e. the location of the tick mark along the axis).
          |     The default value for the angle is 0; the default values for the position and anchor depend
          |     on the orientation and location of the axis:
          |                          bottom half, or left              top half, or right
          |                          half, of plot area                half, of plot area
          |         horizontal         position: (0,-5)                 position: (0, 5)
          |                            anchor: (0,1)                    anchor: (0, -1)
          |         vertical           position: (-8, 0)                position: (5, 0)
          |                            anchor: (1, 0)                   anchor: (-1, 0)
          | color: the color to use when drawing labels
          | spacing: a space-separated list of spacings, where each spacing is a DATAMEASURE.  Multigraph will
          |     choose from among these spacings when deciding how many labels to draw; it will chose the
          |     spacing that results in the "optimal" density of labels along the axis.  The default for number
          |     axes is
          |         "10000 5000 2000 1000 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 2 1 0.1 0.01 0.001"
          |     and the default for datetime axes is
          |         "1000Y 500Y 200Y 100Y 50Y 20Y 10Y 5Y 2Y 1Y 6M 3M 2M 1M 7D 3D 2D 1D 12H 6H 3H 2H 1H"
          | densityfactor: this is a factor that can be used to tweak Multigraph's concept what what
          |     constitutes an "optimal" density of labels along the axis.  It should be a positive number;
          |     Values greater than one result in more labels, and values less than one result in fewer
          |     labels.  Note that this attribute is not yet fully implemented in Multigraph 4.0.
        <!--| The <labels> element may contain one or more <label> subelements.
            | If no <label> subelements are present, the labeling rules for the axis are determined by
            | the attributes of the <labels> element (or their default values, for any that are not specified).
            | If there are any <label> subelements, each one specifies an addiontal list of spacings,
            | possibly with custom values of other attributes to go with those spacings.  Each <label>
            | subelement must have a "spacing" attribute, and may optionally also include values for any
            | of the other attributes allowed for the <labels> tag.  Any attributes not specified with a
            | a <label> subelement inherit their values from the corresponding attribute on the enclosing
            | <labels> tag, or the default value.
      <!--| The <title> subelement of the axis elements gives a title to display with the axis.  The text
          | of the element gives the title text.  If the element is missing, the id of the axis is used
          | as the title text.  To prevent a title from being displayed at all, include an empty <title/>
          | element.
          |   base: the base point of the title's position; this is a number between -1 and 1, and
          |       indicates a point along the axis
          |   angle: the angle, in degrees, of the title text; the default is 0 which means horizontal
          |   position, anchor: these positioning values have the following defaults, depending on
          |       whether the axis is horizontal or vertical, and on which half of the plot area it
          |       is positioned in:
          |                          bottom half, or left              top half, or right
          |                          half, of plot area                half, of plot area
          |         horizontal         position: (0, -18)               position: (0, 15)
          |                              anchor: (0, 1)                   anchor: (0, -1)
          |         vertical           position: (-25, 0)               position: (33, 0)
          |                              anchor: (1, 0)                   anchor: (-1, 0)
      <!--| The <grid> subelement of the axis elements can be used to cause Multigraph to draw a "grid" in the background
          | of the plot area, with grid lines at the locations of the tick marks along the axes.  The <grid> subelement
          | of an axis element controls the grid lines corresponding to tick marks on that axis.
          |   visible: indicates whether grid lines should be drawn for this axis
          |   color: the color to use for this axis's grid lines
      <!--| The <pan> subelement of the axis elements can be used to limit possible pan motions allowed in the graph.
          |   allowed: whether panning is allowed at all
          |   min: panning will be restricted to never go below this value.  If the min attribute is not specified,
          |       panning in the negative direction is unrestricted
          |   max: panning will be restricted to never go above this value.  If the max attribute is not specified,
          |       panning in the positive direction is unrestricted
      <!--| The <zoom> subelement of the axis elements can be used to limit possible zoom motions allowed in the graph.
          |   allowed: whether zooming is allowed at all
          |   min: restricts how far "in" the user can zoom along this axis; if this attribute is present, Multigraph
          |       will restrict zooming along this axis so that the length of the axis, measured in the data units
          |       of the axis, is always greater than or equal to this "min" value.  If this attribute is not present,
          |       zooming in is unrestricted.
          |   max: restricts how far "out" the user can zoom along this axis; if this attribute is present, Multigraph
          |       will restrict zooming along this axis so that the length of the axis, measured in the data units
          |       of the axis, is always less than or equal to this "min" value.  If this attribute is not present,
          |       zooming out is unrestricted.
          |   anchor: indicates a fixed point about which zooming should always occur.  If this attribute is not
          |       present, zooming occurs about the point on the axis closest to the location of the mouse cursor.
          |       (Note that in this case, the "anchor" attribute is not related to positioning, in contract to
          |       other "anchor" attributes elsewhere in the MUGL specification.)
      <!--| The <binding> subelement of the axis elements can be used to "bind" multiple axes together.
          | Each "binding" has a unique "id" attribute, which can be any string and which serves to identify
          | that binding.  When any one axis associated with a particular binding changes scale due to panning
          | or zooming, the other axes associated with that binding change their scales to match.
          | id: the id of the binding
          | min, max: the two data points that indicate how this axis takes part in the binding; this
          |     axis will be scaled so that its min/max values will be tied to the min/max values of the other
          |     axes in the same binding.
          | Example: a pair of fahrenheit/celsius temperature axes can be created as follows:
          |     <verticalaxis id="fahrenheit" min="15" max="90">
          |        <binding id="tempbinding" min="32" max="212"/>
          |     </verticalaxis>
          |     <verticalaxis id="celsius">
          |        <binding id="tempbinding" min="0" max="100"/>
          |     </verticalaxis>
          | Note that the min/max attribute values for the binding are completely different from the min/max attributes
          | on the axes themselves.  The min/max values for the binding indicate the linear relationship between the data
          | values of the axes.  The min/max values for the axes themselves indicate the initial scale that should be
          | displayed along the axis.  Note also that there is a potential conflict between the min/max axis attribute
          | settings of the axes that participate in a binding, because the scale of the axis is indicatd both by
          | that axis's min/max attributes, and by the linear relationship enforced by its binding. For this reason, it's
          | best to only give min/max attributes values for ONE of the axis in a binding, as is the case for the fahrenheit
          | axis in the example above.  In a situation where min/max axis values are specified for more than one axis
          | in a binding, Multigraph will favor enforcing the binding, by choosing the min/max values from one of the
          | axes in the binding that specifies them, and adjusting the min/max values of the other axes in the binding
          | accordingly.
    <!--| The <verticalaxis> element indicates a vertical axis; its syntax is exactly the same
        | as for the <horizontalaxis> element.  See the documentation for <horizontalaxis> above
        | for details.
    <!--| Each <plot> element in a MUGL file corresponds to one collection of variables from
        | a <data> section plotted against a specified pair of axes (one horizontal and one vertical),
        | using a specified plot style.  A MUGL file can have any number of <plot> elements; if
        | no <plot> elements are present, a single plot is inferred, with all the default settings.
      <!--| The <plot> element may contain an optional <legend> element that controls that plot's
          | entry in the graph's legend.  Note that the graph's legend must be configured to be
          | visible in the first place in order for these plot-specific settings to have any effect;
          | see the top-level <legend> element for details on this.
          |   visible: whether this plot has an entry in the legend
          |   label: the label to use for this plot's entry in the legend; by default, the id
          |       of the plot's second variable is used
      <!--| The <horizontalaxis> subelement indicates which horizontal axis this plot should use.
          | If the plot does not contain a <horizontalaxis> subelement, it is assumed to use the
          | first <horizontalaxis> in the MUGL file.
          | ref: the id of a horizontal axis; this value must match the id attribute
          |     of a top-level <horizontalaxis> element in the MUGL file
        <!--| The <variable> subelement of the plot's <horizontalaxis> element indicates which variable
            | should be plotted relative to the plot's horizontal axis.  If there is no <variable> subelement,
            | the first variable in the MUGL file's first <data> section is assumed.
            |     ref: the id of a variable from one of this MUGL file's <data> sections
      <!--| The <verticalaxis> subelement indicates which vertical axis this plot should use.
          | If the plot does not contain a <verticalaxis> subelement, it is assumed to use the
          | first <verticalaxis> in the MUGL file.
          | ref: the id of a vertical axis; this value must match the id attribute
          |     of a top-level <verticalaxis> element in the MUGL file
        <!--| The <variable> subelement of the plot's <verticalaxis> element indicates which variable(s)
            | should be plotted relative to the plot's vertical axis.  A plot's <verticalaxis> element may
            | contain any number of <variable> subelements.  If there is no <variable> subelement, the
            | second variable in the MUGL file's first <data> section is assumed.
            |     ref: the id of a variable from one of this MUGL file's <data> sections
            | NOTE: all of the variables mentioned in a plot, whether in the <horizontalaxis> or <verticalaxis>
            |     subelements, must come from the same <data> section in the MUGL file.
        <!--| The <constant> subelement of the plot's <verticalaxis> subelement is used to indicate a constant
            | plot.  If the <constant> subelement is present, no <variable> subelements may be present, and the plot
            | will consist of a constant value extending across the entire plot area.
            |     value: the height at which the constant value should be plotted
      <!--| The <renderer> element indicates the renderer, or plot style, that Multigraph should use to draw
          | this plot.  A <plot> element can have at most one <renderer> subelement.  If no <renderer> subelement
          | is present, a renderer of type "line", with the default options, is assumed.
          |   type: the name of the renderer to use
        <!--| A <renderer> element can have any number of <option> subelements which customize the appearance
            | of the plot.  Associated with each <option> subelement is the name of an option (the "name" attribute),
            | a value for that option (the "value" attribute), and optionally, an "applicability range" of data
            | values for which that value should be used.  The applicability range is indicated by the "min" and
            | "max" attributes.  If the "min" attribute is present, it specifies a lower endpoint for the applicability
            | range, and analogously, the "max" attribute specifies an upper endpoint. If either of these attributes
            | is omitted, the applicability range is unlimited in the corresponding direction.
            | For example:
            |     <option name="color" value="blue" max="0">
            | would cause data points less than 0 to be plotted in blue,
            |     <option name="color" value="green" min="0" min="10">
            | would cause data points between 0 and 10 to be plotted in green,
            |     <option name="color" value="red" min="10">
            | would cause data points greater than 10 to be plotted in red, and
            |     <option name="color" value="cyan">
            | would cause all data points, regardless of their value, to be plotted
            | in cyan.
            |   name: the name of the option
            |   value: the value of the option
            |   min: minimum data value for this option setting
            |   max: maximum data value for this option setting
      <!--| NOTE: the <datatips> element is not yet implemented in Multigraph 4.0.
          | The <datatips> subelement of the <plot> element tells Multigraph to display "tooltip"-style popups
          | as the user moves the mouse over individual data points, and indicates the format to use for those
          | popups.  The <datatips> subelement is optional, and if it is omitted, no datatips are displayed.
          |  format: a string that gives the text to be displayed in each datatip popup.  Within
          |      this string, expressions of the form {0}, {1}, etc will be replaced with the values of the
          |      corresponding variable from the plot (with {0} being the first variable, {1} the second, and
          |      so on).
          |  bgcolor: the color to use for the background color of the datatip
          |  bgalpha: the alpha (transparency) value to use for the background of the datatip
          |  border: the thickness of a border to draw around the outline of the tooptip rectangle
          |  bordercolor: the color to use for the border
          |  pad: an amount (pixels) of space to leave around the text
        <!--| Each <variable> subelement of the <datatips> element indicates a format string to be used
            | when formatting the values of a variable to be used in constructing the datatip.
            |   format: the format string to be used for the variable
            | For example, imagine a plot in which the first variable is of type datetime, and the second
            | variable is of type number.  Then
            |     <datatips format="{0}: {1}">
            |       <variable format="%d %n %Y"/>
            |       <variable format="%.2f"/>
            |     </datatips>
            | would create datatips in which the first variable, {0}, would be formatted according to
            | the format string "%d %n %Y", and the second variable, {1}, would be formatted according
            | to the string "%.2f".  So, for example, the data value ("20121203", "13.1") would be formatted
            | as "3 Dec 2012: 13.1".
    <!--| A MUGL file should contain one or more <data> elements.  Each <data> element provides a source
        | of data that is available to be plotted in the graph.  The data for each <data>
        | element can be thought of as a collection of data points, where each point
        | is an ordered sequence of N values.  Within the same <data> element, all data points
        | must contain the same number of values - i.e. the value of N must be the same for
        | every point in the data source.
        | Sometimes the N values that each point in a data source contains are called "columns",
        | and the data points themselves are called "rows".
        | Each column has a data type, either "number" or "datetime", associatd with it,
        | and the value of that column is assumed to be of that type for every row.
        | There are three different types of <data> elements:
        |    * <data> elements that include their data directly in the MUGL file in a <values> subelement
        |    * <data> elements that refer to data in an external file via a <csv> subelement
        |    * <data> elements that instruct Multigraph to pull data dynamically
        |      from a RESTful web service via a <service> subelement
        | Each <data> element should have exactly one of these three subelements; it is an error
        | for a <data> element to contain more than one of these.  Note that a MUGL file can contain
        | a unlimited number of <data> elements, though, and these <data> elements do not need to
        | be of the same type.
      <!--| The <variables> subelement provides information about the variables, or columns, that
          | this data source contains.
          |   missingvalue: a DATAVALUE that Multigraph should use in checking for missing
          |       values for a variable.  This attribute is optional.  If it is present,
          |       it is used as the default missingvalue for any <variable> subelments
          |       in this <variables> element that do no explicity include their own
          |       value for the missingvalue attribute.   The default is that there is
          |       no missingvalue, which means that <variable> subelements that do not
          |       explicitly set one do not inherit a value for it.
          |   missingop: a COMPARATOR (one of the strings 'lt', 'le', 'eq', 'ge', or 'gt')
          |       that indicates the operation that should be used to compare each data
          |       value to the specified missingvalue to determine whether it should be
          |       taken to be a missing value.  The default is 'eq', so that values are
          |       considered missing if they are equal to the specified missingvalue, but
          |       note that no values are considered missing unless a value is specified
          |       for the missingvalue attribute.
        <!--| The <variable> subelement provides information about one column of data for
            | this data source.
            |   id: the id to assign to this column; this id is used by the ref attribute
            |       in the <plot> element's axis <variable> element.  The id attribute
            |       is required for the <variable> element, but if one or more columns of
            |       the data source have no <variable> element present, Multigraph uses
            |       the default id values of "x", "y", "y1", "y2", ..., in that order.
            |   column: an integer indicating the column number that this <variable> element
            |       describes.  Columns are numbered starting with 0.   The default value
            |       for the column attribute depends on the order of the group of <variable>
            |       elements in an enclosing <variables> element; <variable> elements with no
            |       column attribute are assigned values, in order of appearance, from
            |       the set of column numbers not specifically indicated by other <variable>
            |       elements in the group.
            |   type: the DATATYPE of the column
            |   missingvalue, missingop: these attributes have the same meaning and type
            |       as for the <variables> element, but they apply only to this particular
            |       <variable> element.  If either of these attributes is not specified
            |       for this <variable> element, its value is inherited from the
            |       value of the same attribute on the enclosing <variables> tag, if there
            |       is one there.
      <!--| The <values> subelement allows data value to be specified directly in the MUGL
          | file.  This element takes no attributs, and its text value should be a newline-separated
          | list of data values, with each line consisting of N comma-separated values.
      <!--| The <csv> subelement indicates a data source coming from an external CSV file.
          | The CSV file should contain a newline-separated list of data values, with each
          | line consisting of N comma-separated values.
          |   location: the URL of the CSV file containing the data.  If this URL is relative,
          |       it is interpreted to be relative to the location of the MUGL file.
      <!--| The <service> subelement indicates a data source corresponding to a RESTful web service;
          | Multigraph will fetch ranges of data from the web service as needed, as the user pans/zooms
          | around in the graph.
          | There are two possible forms that the URL for the web service can take:
          |   1. The URL is a string containing the substrings "$min" and "$max"
          |   2. The URL is a string that does NOT contain the substrings "$min" and "$max"
          | In the first case, Multigraph forms URLs for data requests by replacing "$min"
          | and "$max" with the minimum and maximum values of the data source's first
          | variable for the requested range.  In the second case, Multigraph internally
          | appends the expression "$min,$max" to the given URL, and then forms request URLs
          | as described for the first case.
          | location: the service URL.  
          | format: a format string to be used in formatting the data values that will be
          |     substituted for $min and $max in constructing request URLs as described above.
          |     The default, if the format attribute is not specified, is "%f" if the first column
          |     of the data source is of type number, or "%Y%M%D%H%i%s" if it is of type datetime.
    <!--| The <throttle> element allows Multigraph to enforce constraints on the rate at which
        | it initiates requests to fetch data for <csv> and/or <service> data sources.  A MUGL
        | file can contain any number of <throttle> elements; each one specifies a regular
        | expression pattern, and a set of constraint values.  Multigraph enforces that set of
        | constraints to all URLs it fetches that match the regular expression.  If there are
        | multiple <throttle> elements, Multigraph will choose the constraints in the first
        | <throttle> element in the file whose pattern matches the fetched URL.
        | If there are no <throttle> elements in a MUGL file, Multigraph will do no throttling.
        | A <throttle> element with an empty pattern, or missing pattern attribute, will match
        | any URL, so its constraints will be applied to every outgoing request, unless there
        | is another <throttle> element before it with a pattern that also matches the request URL.
        | The test for whether a request URL matches a <throttle> pattern is done on the
        | original "location" value for the <csv> or <service> element.  For <service> elements,
        | this is before any range values are inserted into the URL, and in both cases,
        | the pattern is checked before a relative URL is rewritten to be relative to the
        | location of the MUGL file.
        | Throttling only applies to data fetched via a <csv> or <service> data source; it
        | does not apply to any images retrieved by the <background> <img> element.
        |   pattern: the regular expression (JavaScript syntax) for URLs that this
        |       element's constraints should be applied to.  This regular expression should
        |       *not* include delimiting '/' marks.
        |   requests: an integer N
        |   period: an integer P
        |   concurrent: an integer M
        | Requests whose URL matches the pattern will be limited in such a way that
        |   * No more than N requests are initiated within P milliseconds of each other, AND
        |   * No more than M concurrent (outstanding at the same time) requests are allowed
        | If N or P is 0, there is no time period based constraint, and if M is 0, there
        | is no constraint on the number of concurrent requests.
        | The default is N=P=M=0, so a <throttle> element that doesn't specify any of
        | requests, period, or concurrent will have no effect.